(1 808)
bug fixes
merge changes reported by Javier Cuevas :
new procedure: TPasLibVlc.DelOption(option : string);
modified procedures: TPasLibVlcPlayer.WmMediaPlayerMediaChanged libvlc_media_player_set_display_window lib_vlc_player_event_hdlr
correct function declartion: libvlc_renderer_discoverer_list_get libvlc_renderer_discoverer_list_release
modify procedures: TPasLibVlcPlayer.EventsEnable(); TPasLibVlcPlayer.EventsDisable();
Binary demos for windows separated from source code:
• Delphi XE11 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi XE7 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi 2007 (10 demos VCL) • Delphi 7 (1 demo VCL) • Delphi 4 (2 demos VCL) • Lazarus 3.0.0 - FreePascal 3.2.2 (4 demo LCL)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(6 190)
change licence to MIT
try prepare to support v4:
vlc-4.0.0-20200403-0251 build remove functions:
libvlc_media_player_stop libvlc_media_player_set_agl libvlc_media_player_get_agl libvlc_media_player_will_play libvlc_media_player_get_fps
libvlc_video_set_subtitle_file libvlc_video_get_title_description libvlc_video_get_chapter_description libvlc_video_get_crop_geometry libvlc_video_set_crop_geometry
libvlc_audio_output_get_device_type libvlc_audio_output_set_device_type
libvlc_media_list_player_stop libvlc_media_library_new
libvlc_media_library_release libvlc_media_library_retain libvlc_media_library_load libvlc_media_library_media_list
libvlc_media_discoverer_new_from_name libvlc_media_discoverer_localized_name libvlc_media_discoverer_event_manager
libvlc_vlm_release libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast libvlc_vlm_add_vod libvlc_vlm_del_media libvlc_vlm_set_enabled libvlc_vlm_set_output libvlc_vlm_set_input libvlc_vlm_add_input libvlc_vlm_set_loop libvlc_vlm_set_mux libvlc_vlm_change_media libvlc_vlm_play_media libvlc_vlm_stop_media libvlc_vlm_pause_media libvlc_vlm_seek_media libvlc_vlm_show_media
libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_position libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_time libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_length libvlc_vlm_get_media_instance_rate
libvlc_video_get_marquee_string libvlc_vlm_get_event_manager libvlc_media_get_tracks_info
merge changes reported by Javier Cuevas Domingo
modified event handler: FOnMediaPlayerBuffering : TNotifyMediaBuffering; modified Video Hue get and set: procedure SetVideoAdjustHue(value : Integer); function GetVideoAdjustHue() : Integer;
add support for drag and drop:
procedure InternalOnDragDrop procedure InternalOnDragOver
Binary demos for windows separated from source code:
• Delphi XE10 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi XE7 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi 2007 (10 demos VCL) • Delphi 7 (1 demo VCL) • Delphi 4 (2 demos VCL) • Lazarus 2.0.8 - FreePascal 3.0.4 (4 demo LCL)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(4 470)
Modify demo sources: avoid to fire OnChange event during updating of the InfoTrackBar position
reported by Gvinci-Blowfish
modified procedures: PasLibVlcPlayer1MediaPlayerLengthChanged(Sender: TObject; time: Int64); PasLibVlcPlayer1MediaPlayerTimeChanged(Sender: TObject; time: Int64); PlayerMediaPlayerLengthChanged(Sender: TObject; time: Int64); PlayerMediaPlayerTimeChanged(Sender: TObject; time: Int64);
Modify Stop procedure
inspired by Rob Renaud
modified procedure:
procedure Stop(const stopTimeOut : Cardinal = 1000);
Binary demos for windows separated from source code:
• Delphi XE10 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi XE7 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi 2007 (10 demos VCL) • Delphi 7 (1 demo VCL) • Delphi 4 (2 demos VCL) • Lazarus 2.0.0 - FreePascal 3.0.4 (4 demo LCL)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(1 744)
Fix THandle type for some functions.
Lazarus has several definitions of THandle type (LCLQT5 Linux 64bit):
System.THandle = LongInt; LCLType.THandle = type PtrUInt; dynlibs.THandle = PtrInt;
This is no problem when run 32-bit app, but generate exceptions when run 64-bit app.
Add support for events in FMX Component:
libvlc_MediaPlayerESAdded libvlc_MediaPlayerESDeleted libvlc_MediaPlayerESSelected libvlc_MediaPlayerAudioDevice libvlc_MediaPlayerChapterChanged libvlc_RendererDiscovererItemAdded libvlc_RendererDiscovererItemDeleted
Binary demos for windows separated from source code:
• Delphi XE10 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi XE7 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi 2007 (10 demos VCL) • Delphi 7 (1 demo VCL) • Delphi 4 (2 demos VCL) • Lazarus 1.8.4 - FreePascal 3.0.4 (4 demo LCL)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(1 809)
Fix Play declaration for compatible with D4
Fix small bugs in FMX component
Binary demos for windows separated from source code:
• Delphi XE10 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi XE7 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi 2007 (10 demos VCL) • Delphi 7 (1 demo VCL) • Delphi 4 (2 demos VCL) • Lazarus 1.8.4 - FreePascal 3.0.4 (4 demo LCL)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(4 856)
Fix resize bug under FPC 1.8.x
reported by Mukataï Mukatai
affected procedures:
procedure WMEraseBkgnd(var msg: ...); message ...;
Fix untyped Dispose bug
affected procedures:
procedure libvlc_media_close_cb_stm(mctx : Pointer); cdecl;
Add support for media callbacks
new procedure:
procedure Play(stm : TStream, ...); overload;
• Thanks for Mark Adamson Remove duplicated code
affected procedures:
procedure Play (...); overload; procedure PlayNormal (...); overload; procedure PlayYoutube(...); overload;
Update for compatibility with Fedora
add new search path /usr/lib64
function libvlc_media_player_set_evas_object is not availiable in VLC release for Fedora
• Thanks for Jim Lee
Fix read_dec_number bug
• Thanks for Wortmann Sándor
Extend procedure parameters:
procedure TPasLibVlcMediaList.Add(mrl : WideString; mediaOptions : array of WideString);
• Thanks for Wortmann Sándor
Fix PlayYoutube bug
• Thanks for Ahmet Yeşilçimen
(1 518)
More buffers, better FMX stability
• Thanks for testing to Νίκος Κόρδας
Binary demos for windows separated from source code:
• Delphi XE10 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi XE7 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi 2007 (10 demos VCL) • Delphi 7 (2 demos VCL) • Delphi 4 (2 demos VCL) • Lazarus 1.8.2 - FreePascal 3.0.2 (4 demo LCL)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(1 023)
Redesign dataflow for better FMX stability
• Thanks for testing to Νίκος Κόρδας
Include demo source code:
• Delphi XE10 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi XE7 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi 2007 (10 demos VCL) • Delphi 7 (2 demos VCL) • Delphi 4 (2 demos VCL) • Lazarus 1.8.2 - FreePascal 3.0.2 (4 demo LCL)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(1 523)
Update for compatibility with libvlc 3.0.1
• Fix video callbacks reported by Νίκος Κόρδας
• New events:
libvlc_MediaPlayerESAdded, libvlc_MediaPlayerESDeleted, libvlc_MediaPlayerESSelected, libvlc_MediaPlayerAudioDevice, libvlc_MediaPlayerChapterChanged, libvlc_RendererDiscovererItemAdded, libvlc_RendererDiscovererItemDeleted,
• New functions:
libvlc_dialog_set_callbacks libvlc_dialog_set_context libvlc_dialog_get_context libvlc_dialog_post_login libvlc_dialog_post_action libvlc_dialog_dismiss
libvlc_renderer_item_hold libvlc_renderer_item_release libvlc_renderer_item_name libvlc_renderer_item_type libvlc_renderer_item_icon_uri libvlc_renderer_item_flags
libvlc_renderer_discoverer_new libvlc_renderer_discoverer_release libvlc_renderer_discoverer_start libvlc_renderer_discoverer_stop libvlc_renderer_discoverer_event_manager libvlc_renderer_discoverer_list_get libvlc_renderer_discoverer_list_release
libvlc_media_new_callbacks(p_inst, open_cb, read_cb, seek_cb, close_cb, opaque);
libvlc_media_parse_with_options libvlc_media_parse_stop libvlc_media_get_parsed_status
libvlc_media_get_type libvlc_media_slaves_add libvlc_media_slaves_clear libvlc_media_slaves_get libvlc_media_slaves_release
libvlc_media_discoverer_new libvlc_media_discoverer_start libvlc_media_discoverer_stop libvlc_media_discoverer_list_get libvlc_media_discoverer_list_release
libvlc_media_list_player_get_media_player libvlc_media_list_player_set_pause
libvlc_media_player_set_renderer libvlc_media_player_set_android_context libvlc_media_player_set_evas_object libvlc_media_player_add_slave
libvlc_video_new_viewpoint libvlc_video_update_viewpoint
libvlc_media_player_get_full_title_descriptions libvlc_title_descriptions_release
libvlc_media_player_get_full_chapter_descriptions libvlc_chapter_descriptions_release
libvlc_media_player_get_role libvlc_media_player_set_role
Include demo source code:
• Delphi XE10 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi XE7 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi 2007 (10 demos VCL) • Delphi 7 (2 demos VCL) • Delphi 4 (2 demos VCL) • Lazarus 1.8.0 - FreePascal 3.0.2 (4 demo LCL)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(1 499)
Add support for new compilers:
• Delphi 10.2.2 Tokyo • Lazarus 1.8.0 (FPC 3.0.4). Better support for FreeBSD11 + FPC:
• correct THandle => TLibHandle Extend parameters:
inspired by "Christian Koch" required to add ":cdda-track=1" as option to the media affected procedures: procedure Play (mrl: WideString; mediaOptions : array of WideString; ...); overload; procedure PlayNormal (mrl: WideString; mediaOptions : array of WideString; ...); overload; procedure PlayYoutube(mrl: WideString; mediaOptions : array of WideString; ...); overload;
New functions:
function GetVideoSampleAspectRatio(var sar_num, sar_den : LongWord): Boolean; overload; function GetVideoSampleAspectRatio() : Single; overload;
Include demo source code:
• Delphi XE10 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi XE7 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi 2007 (10 demos VCL) • Delphi 7 (2 demos VCL) • Delphi 4 (2 demos VCL) • Lazarus 1.8.0 - FreePascal 3.0.2 (4 demo LCL)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(2 154)
Add support for new compilers:
• Delphi 10.2 Tokyo • Lazarus 1.6.4 (FPC 3.0.2).
Include demo source code:
• Delphi XE10 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi XE7 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) • Delphi 2007 (10 demos VCL) • Delphi 7 (2 demos VCL) • Delphi 4 (2 demos VCL) • Lazarus 1.6.4 - FreePascal 3.0.2 (4 demo LCL)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(4 394)
Correct media list event handler WillAddItem
2017.04.11 - reported by "Adolfo Ramirez"
OnItemAdded => OnWillAddItem
Update Equalizer functions declarations for compile with BC6.
reported by "Woldemar"
Cleanup PasLibVlcUnit and prepare for use with FMX.
PasLibVlcFmx - initial release native FMX component (require XE7 or up).
Usage ilustrated with 2 Delphi XE7 demos:
FmxDemoPasLibVlc (tested successfully: WinXP, Win7 32bit and 64bit, OSX 10.7.5 32 bit) FmxDemoPasLibVlcPlayer (tested successfully: WinXP, Win7 32bit and 64bit)
Add support for adjust video:
procedure SetVideoAdjustEnable(value : Boolean); procedure SetVideoAdjustContrast(value : Single); procedure SetVideoAdjustBrightness(value : Single); procedure SetVideoAdjustHue(value : Integer); procedure SetVideoAdjustSaturation(value : Single); procedure SetVideoAdjustGamma(value : Single);
function GetVideoAdjustEnable() : Boolean; function GetVideoAdjustContrast() : Single; function GetVideoAdjustBrightness() : Single; function GetVideoAdjustHue(): Integer; function GetVideoAdjustSaturation() : Single; function GetVideoAdjustGamma() : Single;
Include demo source code:
Delphi 4 (2 demos VCL) Delphi 7 (1 demo VCL) Delphi 2007 (10 demos VCL) Delphi XE7 (2 demos VCL + 2 demos FMX) Lazarus 1.4.4 - FreePascal 2.6.4 (4 demo LCL)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(1 228)
Correct declarations for libvlc_log_cb
reported by: Technosite Add Delphi2007/DemoLog for ilustrate libvlc_log_cb usage.
Update Delphi2007/DemoVideoCallBacks
Include demo source code:
Delphi 4 (2 demos) Delphi 7 (1 demo) Delphi 2007 (10 demos) Delphi XE7 (2 demos) with simple equalizer usage Lazarus 1.4.4 - FreePascal 2.6.4 (4 demo)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(1 970)
Correct struct declarations for better working with 64-bit
reported by: Chris
Include demo source code:
Delphi 4 (2 demos) Delphi 7 (1 demo) Delphi 2007 (9 demos) Delphi XE7 (2 demos) with simple equalizer usage Lazarus 1.4.4 - FreePascal 2.6.4 (4 demo)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(3 710)
Correct function definitions:
reported by: Reiner Sombrowsky
Updated functions:
libvlc_video_unlock_cb = procedure(...); cdecl; libvlc_video_display_cb = procedure(...); cdecl; libvlc_video_format_cb = function(...): LongWord; cdecl;
Include demo source code:
Delphi 4 (2 demos) Delphi 7 (1 demo) Delphi 2007 (9 demos) Delphi XE7 (2 demos) with simple equalizer usage Lazarus 1.4.4 - FreePascal 2.6.4 (4 demo)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(2 603)
Update for allow change audio output
Changed functions:
GetAudioOutputList GetAudioOutputDeviceList GetAudioOutputDeviceEnum SetAudioOutput SetAudioOutputDevice SetAudioOutputDevice Play PlayNormal PlayYoutube
New properties:
LastAudioOutput LastAudioOutputDeviceId
Include demo source code:
Delphi 4 (2 demos) Delphi 7 (1 demo) Delphi 2007 (9 demos) Delphi XE7 (2 demos) with simple equalizer usage Lazarus 1.4.4 - FreePascal 2.6.4 (4 demo)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(4 959)
Update for better compatibility with libvlc 2.2.2
New events:
libvlc_MediaPlayerCorked libvlc_MediaPlayerUncorked, libvlc_MediaPlayerMuted, libvlc_MediaPlayerUnmuted, libvlc_MediaPlayerAudioVolume
Include demo source code:
Delphi 4 (2 demos) Delphi 7 (1 demo) Delphi 2007 (9 demos) Delphi XE7 (2 demos) with simple equalizer usage Lazarus 1.4.4 - FreePascal 2.6.4 (4 demo)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN Note for Windows XP users:
require kernel function InitOnceExecuteOnce, which is availiable on Win Vista and never systems.
(4 944)
Now before load libvlc library PasLibVlc try detect library architecture (32 or 64 bit)
Update for better compatibility with libvlc 2.2.0
EqualizerGetPresetList(): TStringList; EqualizerGetBandCount(): Word; EqualizerGetBandFrequency(bandIndex : Word): Single;
EqualizerCreate(APreset : Word = $FFFF) : TPasLibVlcEqualizer; EqualizerApply(AEqualizer : TPasLibVlcEqualizer); EqualizerSetPreset(APreset : Word = $FFFF); Include Delphi XE7 demo with simple equalizer usage (compiled binary 32 and 64 bit) fix function SetAudioMute reported by "Moisés Ribeiro" New API:
libvlc_media_player_program_scrambled libvlc_audio_output_device_enum
libvlc_audio_equalizer_get_preset_count libvlc_audio_equalizer_get_preset_name libvlc_audio_equalizer_get_band_count libvlc_audio_equalizer_get_band_frequency libvlc_audio_equalizer_new libvlc_audio_equalizer_new_from_preset libvlc_audio_equalizer_release libvlc_audio_equalizer_set_preamp libvlc_audio_equalizer_get_preamp libvlc_audio_equalizer_set_amp_at_index libvlc_audio_equalizer_get_amp_at_index libvlc_media_player_set_equalizer
New events:
libvlc_MediaPlayerVout libvlc_MediaPlayerScrambledChanged New meta data types:
libvlc_meta_TrackTotal libvlc_meta_Director libvlc_meta_Season libvlc_meta_Episode libvlc_meta_ShowName libvlc_meta_Actors
Include demo source code:
Delphi 4 (2 demos) Delphi 7 (1 demo) Delphi 2007 (7 demos) Delphi XE7 (2 demos) with simple equalizer usage Lazarus 1.2.6 - FreePascal 2.6.4 (4 demo)
Please note:
• 32 bit demo require 32 bit libvlc VideoLAN • 64 bit demo require 64 bit libvlc VideoLAN
(4 549)
New functions: (2015-02-01)
GetAudioOutputList(): TStringList; GetAudioOutputDeviceList(aOut : WideString): TStringList;
inspired by: Tom Widerøe
GetVideoDimension(var width, height: LongWord): Boolean;
New property: (2015-01-06)
inspired by: Beat Schlösser
New functions: (2014-07-12)
GetVideoChapterCountByTitleId(const title_id : Integer): Integer;
GetVideoSubtitleList(): TStringList; GetVideoSubtitleCount(): Integer; GetVideoSubtitleCountByTitleId(const title_id : Integer): Integer; GetVideoSubtitleId(): Integer; SetVideoSubtitleById(const subtitle_id : Integer); GetVideoSubtitleNo(): Integer; SetVideoSubtitleByNo(subtitle_no : Integer); GetVideoSubtitleDescriptionById(const subtitle_id : Integer): WideString; GetVideoSubtitleDescriptionByNo(subtitle_no : Integer): WideString; SetVideoSubtitleFile(filename : WideString);
GetVideoTitleList() : TStringList; GetVideoTitleCount(): Integer; GetVideoTitleId():Integer; SetVideoTitleById(const title_id:Integer); GetVideoTitleNo(): Integer; SetVideoTitleByNo(title_no : Integer); GetVideoTitleDescriptionById(const track_id : Integer): WideString; GetVideoTitleDescriptionByNo(title_no : Integer): WideString; inspired by: Sebastián Mayorá
Rename functions: GetAspectRatio() to GetVideoAspectRatio() SetAspectRatio() to SetVideoAspectRatio() GetChannel() to GetAudioChannel() SetChannel() to SetAudioChannel()
Include demo source code for:
Delphi 4 (2 demo) Delphi 7 (1 demo) Delphi 2007 (7 demo) Delphi XE2 (1 demo) Lazarus - FreePascal (4 demo)
(2 672)
New functions:
MarqueeShowText(); MarqueeHide();
MarqueeSetText(); MarqueeSetPosition(); MarqueeSetColor(); MarqueeSetFontSize(); MarqueeSetOpacity(); MarqueeSetTimeOut(); MarqueeSetRefresh(); MarqueeSetEnable();
LogoShowFile(); LogoShowFiles(); LogoHide();
LogoSetFile(); LogoSetFiles(); LogoSetPosition(); LogoSetOpacity(); LogoSetDelay(); LogoSetRepeat(); LogoSetEnable(); GetAudioTrackList(); GetAudioTrackId(); SetAudioTrackById(); SetAudioTrackByNo(); GetAudioTrackDescriptionByNo(); GetAudioTrackDescriptionById();
inspired by Chris
Remove functions:
SetAudioTrack(); GetAudioTrackDescription();
New deinterlace filters:
inspired by Chris
Improve play normal and youtube streams
Play(); Better support for Delphi XE2 and up
Fix compilation warnings
Include demo source code for:
Delphi 4 (2 demo) Delphi 7 (1 demo) Delphi 2007 (6 demo) Delphi XE2 (1 demo) Lazarus - FreePascal (4 demo)
(3 273)
New function
libvlc_reset_function_pointers(force : Boolean = FALSE)
inspired by: Marcio Wesley Borges Fix get address of function libvlc_vlm_set_enabled reported by: Marcio Wesley Borges Include demo source code for:
Delphi 4 (2 demo) Delphi 7 (1 demo) Delphi 2007 (6 demo) Delphi XE2 (1 demo) Lazarus - FreePascal (4 demo)
(2 493)
Repair bug in function WmMediaPlayerPositionChanged (32bit)
Reported by John Brookman
New functions:
IsPause() GetMediaMrl(); GetStateName();
Written by John Brookman Clean code in event handlers
Rewrite OnMediaChanged event handler Now report current media MRL
Requested by: Eduan Slabbert Remove dead code, and unused variales
Better support for Delphi XE2 and up
correct field align in event_t structure rewrite event handling functions Add 64 bit demo compiled with Delphi XE2
this demo request 64 bit VideoLAN Check compatibility with version 2.1.2
Repair bug
function TPasLibVlcPlayer.GetVideoHeight(): LongInt; return wideo width not height, now return video height Reported by: Dr Christoph Camphausen New properties AudioOutput VideoOutput
Include demo source code for:
Delphi 4 (2 demo) Delphi 7 (1 demo) Delphi 2007 (6 demo) Delphi XE2 (1 demo) Lazarus - FreePascal (4 demo)
(2 087)
New functions from libvlc 2.1.0
libvlc_media_player_set_video_title_display libvlc_audio_output_device_list_get libvlc_audio_output_device_list_release libvlc_media_tracks_get libvlc_media_tracks_release libvlc_set_app_id libvlc_log_get_context libvlc_log_get_object libvlc_log_set libvlc_log_unset libvlc_log_set_file
Verify compatibility with libvlc 2.1.0:
FUNCTION libvlc_audio_set_volume NOT WORK EXCEPTION Invalid floating point operation.
Read more on VideoLAN forum: https://forum.videolan.org/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=114264
Support Delphi 4 - conditional code compilation
Include demo source code for:
Delphi 4 (2 demo) Delphi 2007 (6 demo) Lazarus - FreePascal (4 demo)
(2 003)
Support for FPC LCL QT4 and FPC LCL GTK2 (LINUX, WIN) Test: Kubuntu + VLC 2.0.8 and Windows XP SP3 + VLC 2.0.8
Unified function for display player in window
FPC For Windows : LCL GTK2+, LCL QT4, WIN32 FPC For Linux : LCL GTK2+, LCL QT4
Improve function for search libvlc.so
Verify compatibility with libvlc 2.0.8
Include demo source code for:
Delphi 2007 (6 demo) Lazarus - FreePascal (4 demo)
(4 389)
Fix incorrect position of MouseEventWinCtrl if Player placed inside TPanel control aligned to right side of form.
Track bars in demo programs to use functions:
GetVideoPosInMs() GetVideoLenInMs()
Rewrite events handling
New properties:
OsdShow default true SpuShow default true SnapshotPrv default false Support Delphi 7 - conditional code compilation
video callbacks demo
toggle full screen and back
Include demo source code for:
Delphi 2007 (7 demo) Lazarus - FreePascal (4 demo)
(2 406)
Add compiler options {$A4,Z4}
New property:
Each player component use own instance of libvlc.
Include demo source code for:
Delphi 2007 (4 demo) Lazarus - FreePascal (4 demo)
(2 467)
Add critical section to improve calls from event handlers now property TPasLibVlcPlayer.UseEvents default FALSE fix bug in TPasLibVlcPlayer.function EventsEnable: if (p_mi = NIL) then -> if (p_mi <> NIL) then add function TPasLibVlcPlayer.Stop add try..finally in TPasLibVlcPlayer.Destroy
Include demo source code for:
Delphi 2007 (4 demo) Lazarus - FreePascal (2 demo)
(4 335)
Linux OS support:
conditional code compilation Load libvlc.dll from custom location:
libvlc_dynamic_dll_init_with_path(vlc_install_path: string);
(2 411)
Support Lazarus
New component:
New functions:
SetPlayRate() - change current play rate GetPlayRate() - return current play rate Include demo source code for:
Delphi 2007 (3 demo) Lazarus - FreePascal (2 demo)
(1 880)
Simple help for play YouTube video links
New functions:
GetVideoLenStr() GetVideoPosStr() Include demo source code for:
Delphi 2007 (2 demo)
(2 114)
Support for version 1.1.5
Support for unicode file names
Correct creation of VCL at runtime, error: control '' has no parent window
New properties:
PopupMenu ShowTitle UseEvents Include demo source code for:
Delphi 2007 (2 demo)
(1 994)
Support for version 1.1.4
functiuons to set/get Audio Volume Level
Include demo source code for:
Delphi 2007 (2 demo) Lazarus - FreePascal (4 demo)
(1 701)
PChar to PAnsiChar
Include demo source code for:
Delphi 2007 (2 demo)